Sunday, September 30, 2012


So often we allow ourselves to be overcome by the things of this world. Many of these things can be so powerful like depression, anxiety and so much more. I know at some points in your life it may seem impossible to get through a difficult situation, change habits you have created or just truly believe that YOU deserve a better life. I know this because this was ME!

My journey this past year has been such an eye opener. I had to quit running from the person I used to be and face her straight on. I had to know that I am not defined  by the mistakes I've made in my life but by the Woman of God that lives inside of me. When I stop listening to the world and listening to my Heavenly Father I can see things so clearly.

Because I serve a great God I can overcome anything! At the moment I start to feel weak I have to get on my knees and pray for strength.

"Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Life's Storms

This blog is not only about my health & fitness journey but my personal journey in life. I wanted to share with you all some very important news I just found out last week.

My 5-year-old daughter will be having her 2nd open-heart surgery on October 18th. Her first surgery was when she was 5-months old. Man that time was so difficult for us. It's hard to explain to someone all the emotions that take place in your mind during a time like this. I wanted to share this video of my daughters journey through open-heart surgery when she was a baby. I'm an extremely proud mama and I know she is incredibly strong and will pull through this surgery like a champ. Yes, it will be tough and hard on all of us but with God on our side...we WILL make it through!
So with all this going on in my life I am still committing to my workouts...eating as clean as I can and making sure to allow myself the time I need to work through all my emotions. Today was Super Saturday for Beachbody! I did help host our Super Saturday event today and that was amazing! I meet some amazing coachs and did my first ever Turbo Kick workout! I tell you this why? Because I could either sit around and allow myself to be swallowed up with depression, like I have in the past, or when life pushes me down I get back up and fight harder! I will not be weak...I can't be weak! I have a little girl looking up to me for support and strength in the upcoming weeks. Yes, I will have to take a break from my Beachbody business for a few weeks but that is life. I have to study harder to keep up in school. I have to figure out how to care for my 2-year old while my 5-year old is recovering from surgery. I have all these things weighing on my mind and heart but there is one thing that can help. I can continue to make healthy choices and keep moving. Life is so precious and you dont want to waist a single day feeling sorry for yourself. Allow yourself time for you because that is important. As Chalene Johnson would say, "I've been bit by the bug." I love to workout and it REALLY helps me when I'm having a bad day. If you are going through one of lifes storms right now dont allow life to toss you back and forth. Get up, find your anchor and start leading the life YOU want! You don't have to do this alone...we have a wonderful organization with the Bombshell Dynasty and I promise you we will be the support you need to get your health and life on track!

Some of my fellow Beachbody coaches Post workout!
I cannot wait to start a fit club once Arianna gets past surgery.
Me & Vera

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This week has been quite stressful for me. I picked up a cold, which I'm still battling. Ended up losing my voice which is never fun for anyone...well maybe my family would say different. :-P Then Monday my 5-year old daughter went in to the hospital for her cardiac MRI to see if her heart is ready for another heart surgery. She had her first open-heart surgery when she was 5-months old. It is always so stressful to put her under general anesthesia for these things. She's just getting older and things are affecting her more because she understands a bit more of what is going on. She knows she has a special heart but its just diffiucult to grasp why she has to go through all this stuff. Then in another 8 days she has to go to a different hospital for dental work in the OR, which means being put under again and we wont know the extent of her dental work till they get in there.

I tell you all this because during this whirlwind of emotions and things going on I've found myself 2 days behind in my workouts and having one too many cheat meals. I still managed to make alot of healthy choices along the way but I was at this crossroad...

I could continue with the seemingly small choices that would ultimatly lead me back to the path I've been on my whole life.

I could take control, work hard and push through to get back on track. I still just have to make those small choices but by making the RIGHT choices I end up with a happier and healthier ME!

Life gets in the way...that is inevitable. We have to learn to make the necessary adjustments to allow ourselves to bend and not break. Things come up, people get sick, schedules get busy....but don't forget WHY you started this journey in the first place. If you mess up...thats part of this journey. If you get knocked down then you just get up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward. Your success depends on the decisions you make today. When you are at your crossroad think about how your actions will impact your future. If you do not like where that leads you then choose a different path!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

60 Day Results with ChaLEAN Extreme & Shakeology

These results are even while I had surgery. I'm sure if I didn't have to deal with that I would have better results but I'm not complaining! I'm getting stronger and healthier every day!!!

Who knew working out could be so much FUN!

I'm 60 days into ChaLEAN Extreme and loving my results! You workout 5 days a week with 3 weight training days and 2 cardio days. Since I've built my stamina up I wanted to incorporate more cardio to my workouts so I ordered Turbo Jam!

I decided to do the longest workout in the program "Cardio Party" which is 40 minutes.

I have never done such a FUN workout before! The music was great and the moves were a great combination of kickboxing and dancing! I have never been a cardio girl before but I think I just found a way to incorporate efficient cardio into my workouts routine. There is not alot of jumping which is good with my foot since I'm still dealing with residual tendonitis and plantar fascitis from my recent foot fracture. 

Thank you Chalene for providing such a FUN way to workout! By the time it was over I was smiling, feeling great and not wanting to stop!

Want to see what I'm talking about. Check out this video!

If this looks like a program you want to try yourself you have two options:

1) Just order the program.

2) Order a Challenge Pack, which includes everything in the program plus a month supply of Shakeology to start your nutrition off right and help shed the pounds even faster!You SAVE money buy ordering the Challenge Pack!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Managing Stress

Do you ever feel this way?

I know I do!

We all have busy lives and with that can come stress. Now some stress can be good for you - it keeps you alert and protects you from danger. I'm sure you have heard of "fight-or-flight."

Stress hormones and the action of the sympathetic nervous system prepare your body for vigorous muscular activity as follows:

So, what if you are not in a situation in which it's OK to suddenly get up and run a four-minute mile round the block?

Well, that's when various unpleasant effects may set in, such as throbbing headaches, irritability, tense neck and shoulders, dried up mouth and butterflies in the stomach. Sound familiar? Most people experience this sort of stress sometimes.

Now prolonged stress has been linked to many disorders, mentally and physically. This can even effect your immune system.

What we want to do is find ways to manage our stress so we do not deal with these effects listed above.

The reason I'm even talking about this is because I've dealt with an increased amount of stress in my life since having my daughter almost 6 years ago. Well it actually began when I went in for my 17 week ultrasound and found out she had 5 congenital heart defects. At that moment, life changed forever. When she was born I was the most stressed out I've ever been. At 5 weeks of age we found out she was also born with a genetic disorder called DiGeorge Syndrome. I had never dealt with this level of stress before and did not know how to manage it. I began to eat and instead of working off the baby fat I just packed more on. My depression and anxiety was in full swing by this time. 

Now I stayed on this path for about a year and then try to start working out a bit. But the problem was I wasn't really changing my habits, which made it easier to fall back into them again. I yo-yo'd with my weight for a few months until I just gave up completely.

Having a special needs child can be very difficult and rewarding at the same time. Being the primary caregiver can be taxing on you. You are more concerned with the health and well-being of your child then you are yourself.  When I had my son my life just got busier and more demanding. On top of it all I decided to start back to school! The same bad habits returned and I began to pack on the weight. I was unhappy with my body but was not doing anything to change.

Fast forward to Feb 2012 and my life changed again. I decided it was time I start working on ME! My initial goal was to just lose some weight to feel comfortable. I did that and began working on my diet. Now I'm still dealing with the same amount of stress but it's not as taxing as it used to be. I would get unwanted news about my daughters health and instead of turning to food I would put my tennis shoes on and PRESS PLAY!!!

See this is the moment when all those stress hormones are running through your blood stream waiting for you to take action in a "fight-or-flight" response. Since there is no such situation I decide to use that to my advantage and get a work out in. I am now using the stress hormones to my advantage instead of against me. Then when my workout is done I am feeling less stressed and able to handle the situation better. Stress will always happen but learning how to manage it is key. This is what is working for me!

Families of children with special needs just have to learn to work harder to keep that balance in life. We have learned some hard lessons and the challenges continue to come. Incorporating a healthy lifestyle is important even more so because of the demands that are placed on us. Next time you are dealing with a stressful situation I hope you think of this post and get moving!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Chocolate Vegan Shakeology - Not just for Vegans!

Wondering why you should try Chocolate Vegan Shakeology even if you’re not vegan? Wondering what’s so GREAT about the new formula? Shakeology formulator Darin Olien shares how you can benefit from one vegan, dairy-free meal each day, and what makes Chocolate Vegan the healthiest Shakeology yet!

Want to learn more?  Want to get your hands on some Shakeology?  Want to know about the 30 day money back, “bottom of the bag” guarantee? Visit my website or email me today!