Monday, November 5, 2012
Time to Get Back on Track
When I found out about my 5-year-old daughter needing her 2nd open-heart surgery I was thrown into the roller coaster of emotions and some days just trying to do the normal daily things where challenging. I did finish my 90 days of Chalean Extreme but did not feel like doing my 90 day pics. :( Man I wish I did.
While in the hospital I drank my Shakeology when I could make it and didn't eat much and when I did it was not very healthy. I allowed myself to get back into some bad habits of drinking soda to get the caffeine to help me stay awake since I barely slept. I made some poor food choices just to eat something and not crash. Excuses...yeah some of it is but at that moment I was more focused on taking care of my fragile daughter then myself. I knew it would be temporary and I would get back on track in a few days.
Well those few days turned into a few weeks. I see the result of my actions and not happy one bit. I feel horrible, the scale is creeping up, my back pain is getting worse and the list goes on. Well that stops TODAY!!!
I will not allow a few difficult weeks to take over all that I worked so hard for this year. Why am I telling you all this? When you tell others your goals and what you are doing you tend to stick with it and hit those goals. So...I'm putting it on here. TODAY..not tomorrow..not next week...TODAY I'm going to eat healthy, drink more water, kick soda to the curb, no eating Halloween candy and do some kind of exercise even if its taking the kids for a walk. These are reasonable goals for today!
I plan to start Turbo Jam this week and get back to my daily exercise routine and meal planning as well. Planning is KEY to success...I know it because I've done it.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
So often we allow ourselves to be overcome by the things of this world. Many of these things can be so powerful like depression, anxiety and so much more. I know at some points in your life it may seem impossible to get through a difficult situation, change habits you have created or just truly believe that YOU deserve a better life. I know this because this was ME!
My journey this past year has been such an eye opener. I had to quit running from the person I used to be and face her straight on. I had to know that I am not defined by the mistakes I've made in my life but by the Woman of God that lives inside of me. When I stop listening to the world and listening to my Heavenly Father I can see things so clearly.
Because I serve a great God I can overcome anything! At the moment I start to feel weak I have to get on my knees and pray for strength.
"Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Life's Storms
This blog is not only about my health & fitness journey but my personal journey in life. I wanted to share with you all some very important news I just found out last week.
My 5-year-old daughter will be having her 2nd open-heart surgery on October 18th. Her first surgery was when she was 5-months old. Man that time was so difficult for us. It's hard to explain to someone all the emotions that take place in your mind during a time like this. I wanted to share this video of my daughters journey through open-heart surgery when she was a baby. I'm an extremely proud mama and I know she is incredibly strong and will pull through this surgery like a champ. Yes, it will be tough and hard on all of us but with God on our side...we WILL make it through!
So with all this going on in my life I am still committing to my workouts...eating as clean as I can and making sure to allow myself the time I need to work through all my emotions. Today was Super Saturday for Beachbody! I did help host our Super Saturday event today and that was amazing! I meet some amazing coachs and did my first ever Turbo Kick workout! I tell you this why? Because I could either sit around and allow myself to be swallowed up with depression, like I have in the past, or when life pushes me down I get back up and fight harder! I will not be weak...I can't be weak! I have a little girl looking up to me for support and strength in the upcoming weeks. Yes, I will have to take a break from my Beachbody business for a few weeks but that is life. I have to study harder to keep up in school. I have to figure out how to care for my 2-year old while my 5-year old is recovering from surgery. I have all these things weighing on my mind and heart but there is one thing that can help. I can continue to make healthy choices and keep moving. Life is so precious and you dont want to waist a single day feeling sorry for yourself. Allow yourself time for you because that is important. As Chalene Johnson would say, "I've been bit by the bug." I love to workout and it REALLY helps me when I'm having a bad day. If you are going through one of lifes storms right now dont allow life to toss you back and forth. Get up, find your anchor and start leading the life YOU want! You don't have to do this alone...we have a wonderful organization with the Bombshell Dynasty and I promise you we will be the support you need to get your health and life on track!
My 5-year-old daughter will be having her 2nd open-heart surgery on October 18th. Her first surgery was when she was 5-months old. Man that time was so difficult for us. It's hard to explain to someone all the emotions that take place in your mind during a time like this. I wanted to share this video of my daughters journey through open-heart surgery when she was a baby. I'm an extremely proud mama and I know she is incredibly strong and will pull through this surgery like a champ. Yes, it will be tough and hard on all of us but with God on our side...we WILL make it through!
So with all this going on in my life I am still committing to my workouts...eating as clean as I can and making sure to allow myself the time I need to work through all my emotions. Today was Super Saturday for Beachbody! I did help host our Super Saturday event today and that was amazing! I meet some amazing coachs and did my first ever Turbo Kick workout! I tell you this why? Because I could either sit around and allow myself to be swallowed up with depression, like I have in the past, or when life pushes me down I get back up and fight harder! I will not be weak...I can't be weak! I have a little girl looking up to me for support and strength in the upcoming weeks. Yes, I will have to take a break from my Beachbody business for a few weeks but that is life. I have to study harder to keep up in school. I have to figure out how to care for my 2-year old while my 5-year old is recovering from surgery. I have all these things weighing on my mind and heart but there is one thing that can help. I can continue to make healthy choices and keep moving. Life is so precious and you dont want to waist a single day feeling sorry for yourself. Allow yourself time for you because that is important. As Chalene Johnson would say, "I've been bit by the bug." I love to workout and it REALLY helps me when I'm having a bad day. If you are going through one of lifes storms right now dont allow life to toss you back and forth. Get up, find your anchor and start leading the life YOU want! You don't have to do this alone...we have a wonderful organization with the Bombshell Dynasty and I promise you we will be the support you need to get your health and life on track!
Some of my fellow Beachbody coaches Post workout!
I cannot wait to start a fit club once Arianna gets past surgery.
Me & Vera
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
This week has been quite stressful for me. I picked up a cold, which I'm still battling. Ended up losing my voice which is never fun for anyone...well maybe my family would say different. :-P Then Monday my 5-year old daughter went in to the hospital for her cardiac MRI to see if her heart is ready for another heart surgery. She had her first open-heart surgery when she was 5-months old. It is always so stressful to put her under general anesthesia for these things. She's just getting older and things are affecting her more because she understands a bit more of what is going on. She knows she has a special heart but its just diffiucult to grasp why she has to go through all this stuff. Then in another 8 days she has to go to a different hospital for dental work in the OR, which means being put under again and we wont know the extent of her dental work till they get in there.
I tell you all this because during this whirlwind of emotions and things going on I've found myself 2 days behind in my workouts and having one too many cheat meals. I still managed to make alot of healthy choices along the way but I was at this crossroad...
I could continue with the seemingly small choices that would ultimatly lead me back to the path I've been on my whole life.
I could take control, work hard and push through to get back on track. I still just have to make those small choices but by making the RIGHT choices I end up with a happier and healthier ME!
Life gets in the way...that is inevitable. We have to learn to make the necessary adjustments to allow ourselves to bend and not break. Things come up, people get sick, schedules get busy....but don't forget WHY you started this journey in the first place. If you mess up...thats part of this journey. If you get knocked down then you just get up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward. Your success depends on the decisions you make today. When you are at your crossroad think about how your actions will impact your future. If you do not like where that leads you then choose a different path!
I tell you all this because during this whirlwind of emotions and things going on I've found myself 2 days behind in my workouts and having one too many cheat meals. I still managed to make alot of healthy choices along the way but I was at this crossroad...
I could continue with the seemingly small choices that would ultimatly lead me back to the path I've been on my whole life.
Life gets in the way...that is inevitable. We have to learn to make the necessary adjustments to allow ourselves to bend and not break. Things come up, people get sick, schedules get busy....but don't forget WHY you started this journey in the first place. If you mess up...thats part of this journey. If you get knocked down then you just get up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward. Your success depends on the decisions you make today. When you are at your crossroad think about how your actions will impact your future. If you do not like where that leads you then choose a different path!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
60 Day Results with ChaLEAN Extreme & Shakeology
These results are even while I had surgery. I'm sure if I didn't have to deal with that I would have better results but I'm not complaining! I'm getting stronger and healthier every day!!!
Who knew working out could be so much FUN!
I'm 60 days into ChaLEAN Extreme and loving my results! You workout 5 days a week with 3 weight training days and 2 cardio days. Since I've built my stamina up I wanted to incorporate more cardio to my workouts so I ordered Turbo Jam!
If this looks like a program you want to try yourself you have two options:
1) Just order the program.
2) Order a Challenge Pack, which includes everything in the program plus a month supply of Shakeology to start your nutrition off right and help shed the pounds even faster!You SAVE money buy ordering the Challenge Pack!
I decided to do the longest workout in the program "Cardio Party" which is 40 minutes.
I have never done such a FUN workout before! The music was great and the moves were a great combination of kickboxing and dancing! I have never been a cardio girl before but I think I just found a way to incorporate efficient cardio into my workouts routine. There is not alot of jumping which is good with my foot since I'm still dealing with residual tendonitis and plantar fascitis from my recent foot fracture.
Thank you Chalene for providing such a FUN way to workout! By the time it was over I was smiling, feeling great and not wanting to stop!
Want to see what I'm talking about. Check out this video!
If this looks like a program you want to try yourself you have two options:
1) Just order the program.{{coachid}} |
2) Order a Challenge Pack, which includes everything in the program plus a month supply of Shakeology to start your nutrition off right and help shed the pounds even faster!You SAVE money buy ordering the Challenge Pack!{{coachid}} |
Friday, September 7, 2012
Managing Stress
Do you ever feel this way?
I know I do!
We all have busy lives and with that can come stress. Now some stress can be good for you - it keeps you alert and protects you from danger. I'm sure you have heard of "fight-or-flight."
Stress hormones and the action of the sympathetic nervous system prepare your body for vigorous muscular activity as follows:
Well, that's when various unpleasant effects may set in, such as throbbing headaches, irritability, tense neck and shoulders, dried up mouth and butterflies in the stomach. Sound familiar? Most people experience this sort of stress sometimes.
Now prolonged stress has been linked to many disorders, mentally and physically. This can even effect your immune system.
What we want to do is find ways to manage our stress so we do not deal with these effects listed above.
The reason I'm even talking about this is because I've dealt with an increased amount of stress in my life since having my daughter almost 6 years ago. Well it actually began when I went in for my 17 week ultrasound and found out she had 5 congenital heart defects. At that moment, life changed forever. When she was born I was the most stressed out I've ever been. At 5 weeks of age we found out she was also born with a genetic disorder called DiGeorge Syndrome. I had never dealt with this level of stress before and did not know how to manage it. I began to eat and instead of working off the baby fat I just packed more on. My depression and anxiety was in full swing by this time.
Now I stayed on this path for about a year and then try to start working out a bit. But the problem was I wasn't really changing my habits, which made it easier to fall back into them again. I yo-yo'd with my weight for a few months until I just gave up completely.
Having a special needs child can be very difficult and rewarding at the same time. Being the primary caregiver can be taxing on you. You are more concerned with the health and well-being of your child then you are yourself. When I had my son my life just got busier and more demanding. On top of it all I decided to start back to school! The same bad habits returned and I began to pack on the weight. I was unhappy with my body but was not doing anything to change.
Fast forward to Feb 2012 and my life changed again. I decided it was time I start working on ME! My initial goal was to just lose some weight to feel comfortable. I did that and began working on my diet. Now I'm still dealing with the same amount of stress but it's not as taxing as it used to be. I would get unwanted news about my daughters health and instead of turning to food I would put my tennis shoes on and PRESS PLAY!!!
See this is the moment when all those stress hormones are running through your blood stream waiting for you to take action in a "fight-or-flight" response. Since there is no such situation I decide to use that to my advantage and get a work out in. I am now using the stress hormones to my advantage instead of against me. Then when my workout is done I am feeling less stressed and able to handle the situation better. Stress will always happen but learning how to manage it is key. This is what is working for me!
Families of children with special needs just have to learn to work harder to keep that balance in life. We have learned some hard lessons and the challenges continue to come. Incorporating a healthy lifestyle is important even more so because of the demands that are placed on us. Next time you are dealing with a stressful situation I hope you think of this post and get moving!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Chocolate Vegan Shakeology - Not just for Vegans!
Want to learn more? Want to get your hands on some Shakeology? Want to know about the 30 day money back, “bottom of the bag” guarantee? Visit my website or email me today!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Change is coming
I am completing my 4th week of ChaLEAN Extreme and finding myself excited and kind of nervous about my 30 day results. I've already hit my goal weight and I know the results I WANT to see and I know that it takes time to get there. But every day I'm making the choice to exercise and eat right. Well we all know life gets in the way sometimes. I had surgery this week and couldn't give 100% to my workouts and even the nutrition part of it has been a struggle. Okay, this is the moment where a lot of people give up! They dont see the immediate results like they want, change is uncomfortable at first, they are sore and tired and you find it so easy to go back to your old habits. This is the moment that defines you! Are you going to push forward and take control of your mind or give up and never have the results you want?
I want to remind everyone that every day you make the decision to get up PUSH PLAY and put your health as a priority is a day closer to your goals! You do not see results over night. It took years for you to get where you are right now and it will take time to sculpt it back to the body you want. You need to ask yourself: Are you feeling stronger? Do you walk taller?
Sometimes the changes that will happen first are the ones on the inside. You have to win the battle in your mind in order to make yourself get up and workout on the days when your body is telling you not to. Just remember you are investing in your health and your future and even though it may seem tough at first I promise it will get easier and easier if you just keep at it!
I want to remind everyone that every day you make the decision to get up PUSH PLAY and put your health as a priority is a day closer to your goals! You do not see results over night. It took years for you to get where you are right now and it will take time to sculpt it back to the body you want. You need to ask yourself: Are you feeling stronger? Do you walk taller?
Sometimes the changes that will happen first are the ones on the inside. You have to win the battle in your mind in order to make yourself get up and workout on the days when your body is telling you not to. Just remember you are investing in your health and your future and even though it may seem tough at first I promise it will get easier and easier if you just keep at it!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Closer look at Shakeology - What is MSM?
I want to take the time to explain some of the ingredients in Shakeology. But instead of overwhelming you with the entire list I'm going to take one ingredient a day. How does that sound?!?!
Tonight I was doing some research and the ingredient I wanted to talk about is MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), which is a very LONG word but what is it exactly?
MSM is a chemical found in plants, animals, and humans. It can also be made in a laboratory. People use it as a medicine.
MSM is used for chronic pain, osteoarthritis, joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, musculoskeletal pain, muscle cramps, scleroderma, scar tissue, stretch marks, hair loss, wrinkles, protection against sun/wind burn, eye inflammation, oral hygiene, periodontal disease, wounds, cuts, and abrasions/accelerated wound healing. It is either taken by mouth or applied to the skin for these uses. You may have heard about MSM because of the book The Miracle of MSM: The Natural Solution for Pain. There isn’t much published scientific research to support its use.
MSM is also used for relief of allergies, chronic constipation, “sour stomach,” ulcers, a bowel disease called diverticulosis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), mood elevation, obesity, poor circulation, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. It is also used for type 2 diabetes, liver problems, Alzheimer’s disease, lung disorders including emphysema and pneumonia, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disorders (systemic lupus erythematous), HIV infection and AIDS, and cancer (breast cancer and colon cancer).
Other uses of MSM include eye inflammation, mucous membrane inflammation, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, leg cramps, migraine, headaches, hangover, parasitic infections of the intestinal and urogenital tracts including Trichomonas vaginalis and Giardia, yeast infections, insect bites, radiation poisoning, and to boost the immune system.
MSM is also used to control snoring. In fact, directions for making MSM nose drops for snoring have been published, but there’s no evidence that MSM has any effect on snoring.
For me, ever since I've been drinking Shakeology my joints do not ache and I have not had a bought of bursitis. My daughter, who has chronic lung disease and asthma, has been drinking it and has not had a problem and now I can see how Shakeology is helping with that! She had 4 cases of pneumonia last year so the fact that she has been staying so healthy is HUGE!
Come back tomorrow to learn about another AMAZING ingredient in Shakeology!
Information provided by: WebMD
Tonight I was doing some research and the ingredient I wanted to talk about is MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), which is a very LONG word but what is it exactly?
MSM is a chemical found in plants, animals, and humans. It can also be made in a laboratory. People use it as a medicine.
MSM is used for chronic pain, osteoarthritis, joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, musculoskeletal pain, muscle cramps, scleroderma, scar tissue, stretch marks, hair loss, wrinkles, protection against sun/wind burn, eye inflammation, oral hygiene, periodontal disease, wounds, cuts, and abrasions/accelerated wound healing. It is either taken by mouth or applied to the skin for these uses. You may have heard about MSM because of the book The Miracle of MSM: The Natural Solution for Pain. There isn’t much published scientific research to support its use.
MSM is also used for relief of allergies, chronic constipation, “sour stomach,” ulcers, a bowel disease called diverticulosis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), mood elevation, obesity, poor circulation, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. It is also used for type 2 diabetes, liver problems, Alzheimer’s disease, lung disorders including emphysema and pneumonia, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disorders (systemic lupus erythematous), HIV infection and AIDS, and cancer (breast cancer and colon cancer).
Other uses of MSM include eye inflammation, mucous membrane inflammation, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, leg cramps, migraine, headaches, hangover, parasitic infections of the intestinal and urogenital tracts including Trichomonas vaginalis and Giardia, yeast infections, insect bites, radiation poisoning, and to boost the immune system.
MSM is also used to control snoring. In fact, directions for making MSM nose drops for snoring have been published, but there’s no evidence that MSM has any effect on snoring.
For me, ever since I've been drinking Shakeology my joints do not ache and I have not had a bought of bursitis. My daughter, who has chronic lung disease and asthma, has been drinking it and has not had a problem and now I can see how Shakeology is helping with that! She had 4 cases of pneumonia last year so the fact that she has been staying so healthy is HUGE!
Come back tomorrow to learn about another AMAZING ingredient in Shakeology!
Information provided by: WebMD
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Why I'm a Beachbody Coach
That lead me to the bible to see what is said about our health.
Our Responsibility to Care for our Body:
Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given
to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you
must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NLT)
This is when it hit me! I need to be healthy not just for myself and my children but for God!
The following week I found out my foot was fractured and was told I couldn't workout for a minimum of 12 weeks. I know that was the devil trying to steal my joy and get me off track. I won't lie it was not easy but I know that is just a short period of time compared to the big picture. So I decided to sign up as a coach and continue to help others in their health & fitness journey.
Now I want to make something clear. I do not work out because I think I need to get that 6-pack to look good or be accepted in society. I do it because I want to be healthy first and foremost so I can live a long life and be around for my children and grandchildren one day. Secondly, I want to be healthy enough to help in the nursery at church and get on the floor and play with the babies/toddlers. I want to be able to walk the streets distributing flyers about our upcoming Vacation Bible School. (Click HERE if you want to know more about that) I want to be able to stand and worship my Heavenly Father and life my hands in praise! I also know by having a transformation story I will be able to share my story with others and encourage them to do the same. Now I do not cram my religion down anyones throat but if you ask me, "How can you do such an intense program like P90X? How are you able to do 360 ab exercises in 12 minutes?" Or when others say they cannot continue because this new journey is too difficult for them. I will tell you this:
Friday, June 29, 2012
Beachbody Challenge
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Can Shakeology help with fibromyalgia?
Recently on a Facebook thread a person asked the question if Shakeology has helped with fibromyalgia in any way? Now, this is not a scientific or clinical study but this is what people said:
Marisa F.- I have fibromyalgia! Shakeology has made a huge difference!!! I suffered for years! I feel amazing now!!
Beth G.- I really have not thought about it Carl…but I have not had many flare ups since starting on Shakeo..that being said…I have it very mild
Carlos M.- I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 2 years ago, but have several other issues as well. I started shakeology almost 2 months ago & little by little I’m feeling better. Even eating healthier because I’m losing those old cravings & snacking habits. Lost 10 lbs & although it didn’t happen overnight, with daughter Jenna’s encouragement I pressed on. I now have energy to workout, taking it at a slower pace than the majority of TLS, but I’m not giving up! At 65 yrs old, I’m grateful to have connected with such a strong, dedicated & loving bunch of people who care about others. That in its self is worth it!
Susi K.- I do. I have had Fibro for YEARS. My Rheumatoid Specialist wanted me on 3 different meds for the pain. One of them was to control the symptoms from one of the other meds. I told him no and that I would find an herbal remedy. Shakeology AND working out has kept my Fibro in check. I NO longer have pain. I don’t take meds. This is what I take: Shakeology, Joint Support, Herbal Immune and Cor Cal Mag from BB. I feel great. When I am in pain, I will take 2 aspirin and work out to Light and Easy from YBB. I FOUND AN HERBAL REMEDY AND IT WORKS.
Eric H.- My wife has it and since being on shakeology and working out with slim in 6 she hasn’t had any pain
Nia P.- I had painful fibro pains for over 12 yrs…my pains have vanished after a month of shakeology..will recommend to everyone!
Kristin K.- don’t let a fibromyalgia diagnosis stop you! it’s like arthritis, you HAVE TO MOVE, it will make you feel better! I was diagnosed 13 years ago, and i decided to ignore it. I started doing yoga, getting stronger, feeling better. Now I do Turbofire and drink my shakeology every day. No more tender pressure points, not nearly as much depression, fatigue, sure, because I’m BUSY enjoying my life!
Robin B.- I’m a walking testimony – I was diagnosed with Fibro after a car accident and given medication with the prognosis “I’ll have good days and bad days”. I was severely limited – from the time I got up until I went to bed. Because of that I gained 30 pounds and then diagnosed with Clinical Depression, which they wanted to medicate me for as well. I did my research and found how important nutrition was for this auto-immude disorder and others and Shakeology was my saving grace. I come off all medication, lost 30 PLUS pounds and within 90 days was able to enjoy P90X and insanity again. I have since not gone a day without it.
Carol S.- I had it and I have been doing Shakeology since it came out. After the first 6 to 8 months of having 1 shake for breakfast I was 100% medication free. My spasms and pain from the fibro were gone. I could get up and down off the floor and everything! It has changed my life and my families. Thank you so much for your wife having a plan. It gave me my life back!
Deyanna B.- I have Fibromyalgia and MS! I feel amazing using my Shakeology. Having autoimmune problems I am also very careful as to what I put into my body now! My Health is my Wealth!! Only the BEST for me!!! =)
Cheryl H.- I was diagnosed with Fibromylgia 15 years ago and was on meds for it until I was on Shakeology for a few months. I have probably been given a total of over 40 different RX’s since I first had the virus that affected my heart and immune system. Was on 19 last January. Down 9 after several months in the Shakelogy and now take 3.
Michele W.- I have fibromyalgia for about 20 years and trust me – proper nutrition is half the key to feeling better. I have tried shakeology and if I remember correctly, by the third day I was feeling pretty good! A shake a day and good nutrition and and all I really need is Motrin once in awhile!
Christina S.- Shakeology has helped me push thru the chronic fatigue that is believed to be a symptom of my fibromyalgia
Leigh Ann P.- I was diagnosed about 11 years ago triggered by a miscarriage and hereditary from my mom. When Jason suggested we start working out together I told him there was not way because of the pain. I did anyway and I will never stop. I do drink Shakeology and I know with the combination of working out and drinking the shakes I no longer have this diagnosis!! Lots of prayer too!
Katherine B.- Yes. It directly helps the fatigue which leads to me having the energy to workout and ease the physical pain suffered from my condition. It’s the very reason I drink at least a shake a day and have for almost two years. When I was first diagnosed with it, I wasn’t aware of Shakeology and was drinking energy drinks just to get through the day, which proved counter-productive after a time, because they are like a drug in that one must consume more and more for the same results. I gained a bunch of weight from the medication and the drinks and then my bro gave me some Shakeology, enough for a couple of weeks and I knew It was a new staple in my daily caloric intake.
Reva D.- Shakeology and Slim in 6 helped me with the fatigue and keeps NW from getting too sore. I notice a big difference when I don’t drink it regularly!
Rhonda F.- I have Fibromyalgia and it helps in many ways.
Michelle M.- Yes my mom has Fybromyalia and since I got her going on Shakeology 7 months ago she does feel better … all over. She is 59 and was getting worse and was even thinking on going to meds until I talked her into trying Shakeology. So far no meds and she is better so has to be Shakeology. Has to be. She also said her hair, nails and digestion is better. So really I have to say thanks to such a great product and company…glad to be a coach
Karina C.- I suffer from Fybromialgia in my back and Shakeology has helped with the fatigue. Immediately after I take it a feel a rush of energy to go on with my day. I truly love it The energy I feel is natural and pumps me up for the day; makes me want to exercise. I have to take it everyday though and I have felt a great change in my body because of it
Heather C.- Carl I have fibromyalgia and use shakeology every day. I also have a bunch of fibro customers that also use it. I find it helps the pain, energy levels and ibs.
Genia J.- I have multiple autoimmune disorders, and the answer is : YES! It does. My Rheum specialist says that I’m healthy, and most of my disorders are in remission. I have problems with swallowing and digestion. Shakeology has helped with both. I also does wonders for inflammation.
Theresa L.- Carl, I myself has fibromyalgia. Since being on shakeology theres has been a big improvement on what I can do. I still have my ups and downs but on a good day I can excercise. Prior to Shakeolgy I couldn’t do any excercise at all. So I would say Shakeology definately helps fibromyalgia. I hope this helps.
Barbara G.- I have fibromyalgia and I feel the best on the days I have Shakeology for lunch; and do my TurboFire almost every day. It’s the best combination in the world and it sure beats medications!
Bernie M.- Carl, I have suffered from the condition for around 12yrs, since getting fit using beachbody exercise programs and shakeology over the past 12 months I have found significant improvements in my condition. Previously I was on prescribe medication called Lyrica having 600mg per day, in addition to having 500ml of tramadol (pain killer) 3 times a day. The medication was a hard on my body as the condition itself. With improved fitness and better nutrition including shakeology I personally founda reduction in joint inflamation and pain, improved brain function with a reduction in brain fog, improved sleep quality, and a significant improvement in mood due to increased natural production in seratonin levels. Personally over the last 12 month I have now been able to stop taking lyrica + tramodol, and now just take a suppliment of melatonin to aid restful sleep. I can’t tell u the improvements in the quality of life they are plentiful + hughely significant!
Renee G.- I was diagnosed a little over two years ago with Fibromyalgia. My doctor told me to keep moving, and not to let the soreness and aches fool me. But I was taking at least 8 muscle relaxers per day and 4 Vicadin per day. I’ve been using Beachbody since March 2010, but the exercises were still a little rough on me. When I became a Coach and started Shakeology in November 2010, I cut way down on my muslce relaxers and pain meds. I only take them now either when I’ve overdone a workout or when the weather is really rainy and cold. So I would say that it is definitely doing something to help with all the inflammation I was having. I exercise 5 to 6 times per week and drink Shakeology every day. My pain level is now at 1 (depending on the weather) and my meds are as needed only.
Marianne V.- I’m an acupuncturist and herbalist. Some of my fibro patients have taken Shakeology and love it. One of them found her symptoms decrease by 80% within a week. I was surprised by her results and other similar fibro patients results. From a chinese medicine point of view, Shakeology would make perfect sense to incorporate
Linda S.- I do …it made a huge difference,i had been to specialists that said sorry deal w the pain. I would sit n cry because I hurt so bad,even to breath!! A few days in was a huge change for me,1 week into shakeology no more pain. I havent had a drop of pain since! I have a new coach same thing
Jonathan G.- Wow! These comments and reactions are absolutely amazing. I have been drinking Shakeology myself for years so I am a firm believer in how great it is. It is important to remind everybody that while we are always thrilled to hear about people having incredible experiences with Shakeology and improving their fitness, eating habits and overall wellness, that these are personal experiences and not any medical or scientific statements.
You have nothing to lose by trying Shakeology! 30 day, money back guarantee! Tropical is 100% vegan & dairy free! All flavors are gluten free and low glycemic!
See what doctors have to about Shakeology! Click HERE.
Monday, April 30, 2012
French Toast with Strawberry Syrup
I woke up craving some French toast. I am a big breakfast eater, which is why I drink my Shakeology for lunch instead of breakfast. So after seeing Kati's post this morning about Grilled Banana Sandwich. I decided it was time I take to the kitchen and make a healthy version of French toast!
2 pieces of whole wheat bread
1 egg
Brown suger
Almond Milk (or low fat milk)
Vanilla Extract
Heat frying pan. You can use a little spray if you would like.
Beat egg in a bowl. Add a splash of Almond milk, sprinkle of cinnamon, dash of vanilla.
Dredge bread in egg mixture then place on frying pan.
Sprinkle brown sugar on the side facing up. Then flip and cook other side.Pour strawberry mixture over French toast and ENJOY!
Friday, April 27, 2012
How Do I Really Know if Shakeology Is Worth the Money When Everything Else Costs Less?
From The Blog - Shakeology
There are many protein shakes and meal replacements that are less expensive than Shakeology. But comparisons based on the simple "protein shake" or even "health shake" are usually off the mark and don't stack up to Shakeology.
Shakeology was designed for people who want more than protein, and for people who want the health benefits being represented by the ingredients on the label. To really know whether a product measures up to Shakeology, you need to keep some things in mind:
How much is enough?
We are proud of Shakeology's 70+ ingredients. Other shakes will trumpet the number of ingredients they have too. But are the ingredients they are counting actually good for you? Are there any artificial flavors or colors listed in those ingredients? Not in Shakeology!
Are they derived from whole-food sources? They are in Shakeology! Too often the "magic ingredient" has been isolated from the enzymes and phytonutrients that actually make the ingredient useful when consumed.
And does the competition formulate for the synergistic benefits between the ingredients, or just slap together whatever is hot in the media? Shakeology was specially formulated for the collection of ingredients to work together like a symphony; this combination is so effective, some people report dramatic benefits within the first week. Other supplements point to one or two individual ingredients and build a "story" around their superfood attributes.
Pay attention to a product's protein source or blend. Protein sources like whey protein hydrolysate have been shown to trigger a much higher insulin response in the body. That's not an outcome we would tolerate in Shakeology.
Our protein source is whey protein isolate, which is more than 90 percent pure protein. Plus, Shakeology is loaded with digestive enzymes and lactase—that's the enzyme that breaks down lactose and is found in over-the-counter products like Lactaid®. Don't confuse whey protein concentrate with isolate. Whey protein concentrate is the least pure form of whey protein made. The benefit of isolate versus concentrate is that the fat has been removed to achieve isolate. The fat in whey protein is what carries toxins consumed by the animal. That's the reason Shakeology can be used by so many people who are lactose-intolerant—because those toxins have been removed through the isolate process.
For our vegan formulation, we use sprouted brown rice protein, not soy. Does the competition use ANY soy in their formulation? Soy protein contains estrogen, mimicking compounds that can interfere with your hormones. On top of that, most of the soy in the marketplace is GMO (genetically modified). These are two important reasons why we don't use soy in Shakeology.
Glycemic index tested . . .
In terms of sugar, many protein shakes contain 1 gram of sugar or less. This is because they are using artificial chemical sweeteners. (Check the label for sucralose, aspartame, or sugar alcohols.)
Shakeology's small amounts of sugar comes from natural sources and whole superfoods like coconut flower nectar and luo han guo, which are easily processed by the body and, in fact, have been tested and certified by an independent lab to have a low glycemic index of 24—that's lower than most fruits! (An apple is 36, and an orange is 43.)
What's not in the base, they may suggest you add later
Other shakes don't cost as much as Shakeology at first glance, but they also don't contain the full profile of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for some vitamins and minerals, or whole-food sources of antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogen herbs, prebiotics, probiotics, or digestive enzymes. We've seen competitors make you buy a separate vitamin pack for $150 per month! Once you add it up, this is hardly a "good deal," and it's usually hardly even a good product.
To achieve the benefits of Shakeology we've seen, competitors charge between $250 and $335 per month! $120 doesn't seem expensive when you realize all of the benefits Shakeology delivers.
Formula: 70+ of the healthiest ingredients from whole-food sources from around the world VERSUS protein, fillers, artificial coloring, and isolated glamour ingredientsWinner: Shakeology
Protein Source: Shakeology's pure whey protein isolate or plant-based sprouted brown rice protein VERSUS soy, hydrolyzed whey, and/or whey concentrate blend
Winner: Shakeology
Taste: Rich Chocolate, tangy Greenberry, or fruity Tropical Strawberry Shakeology VERSUS chemically-derived, artificially-flavored competition
Winner: Shakeology
Price: $120 for Shakeology VERSUS—Oops! It's impossible to compare lesser formulations on price. But if you add in all the separate vitamins and flavoring agents the other companies ask you to buy to match the benefits and nutritional content of Shakeology, you would easily spend over $300 every month—that's 2 and half times the cost of Shakeology!
Winner: Shakeology
But the best comparison is results. From weight loss, to reduction in cravings, to regularity, to healthier cholesterol levels, to increased energy levels, to an overall sense of well being . . . We give a bottom-of-the-bag guarantee on Shakeology because we KNOW people will be amazed by how they feel. Shakeology is the winner by a total knock out!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I was looking at my measurements from exactly a year ago and cannot believe I have lost 20 lbs and 20 inches!!! I started and stopped P90x twice due to issues with my back. I complained about the price of Shakeology and put off getting it. Man was that a BIG mistake! The lbs and inches just feel off when I started my 3rd round of P90x along with Shakeology. Many people get intimidated by Beachbody because they think its only P90x and Insanity. NOPE! There are many workout programs for people of ALL physical capabilities. I can work with you to find the perfect program for you. We also have the healthiest and nutritious health shake...Shakeology. Even if you can't get started with a workout program I highly recommend Shakeology to help fuel your body with everything it needs. I have seen diabetics come off insulin, cholesterol levels lowered, energy increased, the list goes on and on. The most common thing I hear is "I can't afford it" I have to tell you its a lot cheaper to get a workout program you do from home. You buy the program and its yours forever, no gym membership, no paying for gas to drive anywhere. You wake up and PRESS PLAY! With Shakeology the price comes out to $4 a day. That is cheaper then a McDonalds happy meal or capppuccino at Starbucks but you are fueling your body with the most nutritious and delicious shake! I only say this because I was that person a year ago. I wanted changed and a healthier lifestyle but I wasn't willing to invest in it. I thank God that I finally came to my senses because I want to be around for my children, grandchild and great grandchildren one day. Yes, I plan to live that long!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Homemade Yogurt Bites
This is such an easy and fun treat for the kids. Great for a healthy and refreshing snack in the hot summer days. But you have to eat them quickly before they melt!
What you need:
- Yogurt (I prefer Greek yogurt)
- Cookie Sheet
- Pastry Bag or you can use a ziplock bag and cut off one of the corners.
This was my first time using the pastry bag and I loved how they came out!
Stick the cookie sheet in the freezer for about an hour before serving. Make sure you keep them in the freezer if you do not plan on eating them yet.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
I have been full of excuses this week, which is why that is today's topic. When I reached my 30 days on P90x & Shakeology and took those progress pictures I was so excited! I thought to myself, "There is no way, no how, I am ever going back to that person I was." Then a few days later I find out I have a stress fracture on my foot and put in a soft cast for a minimum of 6 weeks. Talk about bursting my bubble. I think alot of why I didn't get checked before was because I knew I had something wrong and I didn't want to stop my work outs. Well that did me no good. I may actually end up needing surgery because I decided to push through the pain and not take my health seriously. That is where I started making excuses. BIG mistake!
So I get this cast on and I'm still so fired up about my nutrition because of my wonderful upline Coach encouraging me to continue eating clean, drinking Shakeology and doing minimal workouts as approved by my doctor. Basically I am not suppose to do any weight bearing exercise. It has only been 2 weeks and already after one week I give in to my emotions and fall off the nutrition wagon. I have gained a few pounds back and my waist line is increasing. My second excuse was, "Well I'm not going to get the results I would be getting if I could continue P90x so why not give in to the easy fast food options. I won't see results anyways." BIG mistake!
Then I hear the doorbell this morning and what was sitting at my door....
My order of Chocolate Shakeology!
This is the healthiest meal of the day that I get to enjoy in the form of a delicious shake. This is when it hit me. I am fueling my body with the most nutritious natural ingredients around the world for one meal a day, then why am I sabbatoging my goals by eating junk the rest of the time?!?!?
Nutrition is 80% of your battle!!! If I can get my nutrition in order then the other 20% is my fitness. I have a minimum of 4 weeks in this cast to research, plan, and perfect my nutrition. Instead of focusing on what I cannot do while I'm recovering I'm going to focus on what I can do....Nutrition!!!
No one said this was going to be easy. In fact I loved looking at this as a challenge but when you are changing habits you have formed over years it will take time to break some of those habits. You may even stumble and fall down. What is the most important step in all of that you dust yourself off, get back up, and get back on track!
Do not let your excuses keep your from your goals! Everyone has a busy life and things that will come up from time to time but you are the only one that can turn your goals into a reality!
So this is my word of encouragement to you. Don't beat yourself up for what you have been doing. Instead, make the decision to change today! If you are wanting to make changes to live healthier, look leaner and add years to your life..then I would love to help you along that journey. You can sign up here to get your FREE Team Beachbody membership and I will be your coach!
If you would like to join our Challenge Group starting next Monday, April 2nd please email me TODAY and we can talk more.
Nutrition is 80% of your battle!!! If I can get my nutrition in order then the other 20% is my fitness. I have a minimum of 4 weeks in this cast to research, plan, and perfect my nutrition. Instead of focusing on what I cannot do while I'm recovering I'm going to focus on what I can do....Nutrition!!!
Do not let your excuses keep your from your goals! Everyone has a busy life and things that will come up from time to time but you are the only one that can turn your goals into a reality!
So this is my word of encouragement to you. Don't beat yourself up for what you have been doing. Instead, make the decision to change today! If you are wanting to make changes to live healthier, look leaner and add years to your life..then I would love to help you along that journey. You can sign up here to get your FREE Team Beachbody membership and I will be your coach!
If you would like to join our Challenge Group starting next Monday, April 2nd please email me TODAY and we can talk more.
Nutrition + Exercise + Peer Support = SUCCESS!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Grief..why we must deal with it.
I've been focusing on health and nutrition topics but I want to take a moment to discuss something more personal. Did you realize that your emotional state can affect your health? If you are dealing with negative emotions this can lead to stress, depression, anxiety or many other issues. If you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle you cannot neglect your emotional needs as well as your physical needs.
I've been struggling with emotions the past few days. I wasn't really sure why but then I realized tonight at my Healing Journey Class that I was indeed grieving several things. Now I will not get into all of them but there is one topic I wanted to touch on.
Well Arianna was born with 5 congenital heart defects and a genetic condition called, DiGeorge Syndrome (also known as 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome)
She had open heart surgery at 5-months old and will require another heart surgery in the future. She has endured numerous tests, procedures, 2 surgeries (heart related), therapy sessions, doctors appointments and much more. She is my Hero!
As I was sitting in my healing journey class tonight and the topic was on grief and how important it is to allow yourself to truly grieve and then invite God to heal these wounded areas of your heart.
I realized that I am always grieving when it comes to Arianna's health. There will be times I hear about a friends child starting kindergarden and I just want to cry because my daughter has a compromised immune system and after only 6 weeks of preschool I had to take her out of school. I may hear someone complain about having to take off work because their child is sick and I just get so upset because they can fight off an illness with some rest and TLC, where almost every time Arianna gets a respiratory illness she is on oxygen and it tends to turn into pneumonia. I wish we could deal with the simple things in life but everything is always so complicated when it comes to my daughter.
Now that being said I am extremely grateful that God choose me to be her mother. Having a child with a chronic medical condition has been eye opening. I do not take anything for granted and cherish every day I have with my kids.
I'm now learning that I not only have to allow myself to grief the lose of a healthy child but I have to give all these painful feelings up to Him. No one can heal my wounds but God.
Maybe you don't have a child with a medical condition but you are holding onto something that is disrupting the peace in your life. I encourage you to seek God and give Him the hurtful things of your life. I'm still learning how to do this. I can honestly say if it wasn't for the Healing Journey Class that I've been taking the past 26 week I would not be able to sit here and write this blog right now. I felt ashamed of my feelings and what I might say offend someone. But not anymore because God is healing my wounds. I know out of my hurts I want to help others. I am not perfect and may stumble from time to time but I know as long as I get back up and keep pressing forward in the life that God has planned for me then I will have the blessings of the Lord poured out in my life.
I've been struggling with emotions the past few days. I wasn't really sure why but then I realized tonight at my Healing Journey Class that I was indeed grieving several things. Now I will not get into all of them but there is one topic I wanted to touch on.
People that know me know my daughter, Arianna. She is 5-years old and such a blessing!
Well Arianna was born with 5 congenital heart defects and a genetic condition called, DiGeorge Syndrome (also known as 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome)
She had open heart surgery at 5-months old and will require another heart surgery in the future. She has endured numerous tests, procedures, 2 surgeries (heart related), therapy sessions, doctors appointments and much more. She is my Hero!
As I was sitting in my healing journey class tonight and the topic was on grief and how important it is to allow yourself to truly grieve and then invite God to heal these wounded areas of your heart.
I realized that I am always grieving when it comes to Arianna's health. There will be times I hear about a friends child starting kindergarden and I just want to cry because my daughter has a compromised immune system and after only 6 weeks of preschool I had to take her out of school. I may hear someone complain about having to take off work because their child is sick and I just get so upset because they can fight off an illness with some rest and TLC, where almost every time Arianna gets a respiratory illness she is on oxygen and it tends to turn into pneumonia. I wish we could deal with the simple things in life but everything is always so complicated when it comes to my daughter.
Now that being said I am extremely grateful that God choose me to be her mother. Having a child with a chronic medical condition has been eye opening. I do not take anything for granted and cherish every day I have with my kids.
I'm now learning that I not only have to allow myself to grief the lose of a healthy child but I have to give all these painful feelings up to Him. No one can heal my wounds but God.
Maybe you don't have a child with a medical condition but you are holding onto something that is disrupting the peace in your life. I encourage you to seek God and give Him the hurtful things of your life. I'm still learning how to do this. I can honestly say if it wasn't for the Healing Journey Class that I've been taking the past 26 week I would not be able to sit here and write this blog right now. I felt ashamed of my feelings and what I might say offend someone. But not anymore because God is healing my wounds. I know out of my hurts I want to help others. I am not perfect and may stumble from time to time but I know as long as I get back up and keep pressing forward in the life that God has planned for me then I will have the blessings of the Lord poured out in my life.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Cream of Cauliflower and Broccoli Soup
Handful of Cauliflower
Handful of Broccoli
1 medium sized onion diced
2 cups of water
1 tsp corn flour
1 cup fresh low-fat milk
1 cup Vegetable Stock (optional)
1 tbsp Vegetable Oil
Wash & cut broccoli and cauliflower into florists.
Heat oil in a pan. Saute onions in the pan.
Once the onion looks tender, add cauliflower and broccoli and mix well.
Now add 2 cups of water together with the stock, mix well.
Simmer for about 10 minutes or until the vegetables become soft. Do not overcook.
Once it is tender, take out the vegetables and blend it with fresh milk. (Save water for later use) Add corn flour to the mix and blend.
Now mix this with the remaining water in the pan. Simmer until soup is thick. Stir while simmering.
Add sat & pepper to desired taste.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Clean Eating
You may here me talk about clean eating. But what exactly does that mean?
Clean eating is when you eat whole foods - that is, foods as close to their natural state as you can get them. That means eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein instead of pre-packaged processed foods and fast food.
Easy steps you can follow to ensure you are eating clean.
Step 1: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Always choose fresh over canned or processed products. If you have to choose processed, then choose frozen over canned
Step 2: Balance protein and complex carbohydrates. Incorporate whole grains like brown rice over processed grains. Always choose lean meats. Grill or broil your meats over frying.
Step 3: Avoid sugars and high calorie, sugary drinks.Choose water or tea for your beverages, or juice your own fruit and vegetables and enjoy them without all the added sugars or preservatives.
Step 4: Replace bad fat with good fat. We all need a certain amount of fat in our diet but we need to make sure we are eating the good "unsaturated" fat.
Polyunsaturated fats, found mostly in vegetable oils, help lower both blood cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels. One type of polyunsaturated fat is omega-3 fatty acids, which is found in fatty fish (salmon, trout, catfish, mackerel), as well as flaxseed and walnuts.
There are two types of fat that should be eaten sparingly: saturated and trans fatty acids. Both can raise cholesterol levels, clog arteries, and increase the risk for heart disease. Saturated fats are found in animal products (meat, poultry skin, high-fat dairy, and eggs) and in vegetable fats that are liquid at room temperature, such as coconut and palm oils. There has been studys that show saturated fat increases the risk for colon and prostate cancer.
Step 5: Eat several small meals throughout your day to keep blood sugar stable and avoid overeating.
This may seem like alot to change all at once. But if you can focus on one step a week and get that under control then move on to the next one then you are headed in the right direction. Remember you have to start somewhere!
Clean eating is when you eat whole foods - that is, foods as close to their natural state as you can get them. That means eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein instead of pre-packaged processed foods and fast food.
Easy steps you can follow to ensure you are eating clean.
Step 1: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Always choose fresh over canned or processed products. If you have to choose processed, then choose frozen over canned
Step 2: Balance protein and complex carbohydrates. Incorporate whole grains like brown rice over processed grains. Always choose lean meats. Grill or broil your meats over frying.
Step 3: Avoid sugars and high calorie, sugary drinks.Choose water or tea for your beverages, or juice your own fruit and vegetables and enjoy them without all the added sugars or preservatives.
Step 4: Replace bad fat with good fat. We all need a certain amount of fat in our diet but we need to make sure we are eating the good "unsaturated" fat.
Polyunsaturated fats, found mostly in vegetable oils, help lower both blood cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels. One type of polyunsaturated fat is omega-3 fatty acids, which is found in fatty fish (salmon, trout, catfish, mackerel), as well as flaxseed and walnuts.
There are two types of fat that should be eaten sparingly: saturated and trans fatty acids. Both can raise cholesterol levels, clog arteries, and increase the risk for heart disease. Saturated fats are found in animal products (meat, poultry skin, high-fat dairy, and eggs) and in vegetable fats that are liquid at room temperature, such as coconut and palm oils. There has been studys that show saturated fat increases the risk for colon and prostate cancer.
Step 5: Eat several small meals throughout your day to keep blood sugar stable and avoid overeating.
This may seem like alot to change all at once. But if you can focus on one step a week and get that under control then move on to the next one then you are headed in the right direction. Remember you have to start somewhere!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
3-Day Shakeology Cleanse
What is the Shakeology Cleanse? How is it different from other cleanses?
What makes the Shakeology Cleanse stand apart from the others is that the Shakeology cleanse is not a true “cleanse”. The Shakeology Cleanse is a calorie restricted, nutrient rich cleanse. There are no strange drinks made of maple and lemon or apple cider. With Shakeology you will be satisfied and you won’t be a zombie or feel like you are starving your body of vital nutrients, because you aren’t! The main point of the Shakeology Cleanse is not calorie restriction but nutrient richness. The aim is to get the most nutrients into your body with the fewest calories consumed. These calories are to fuel your workouts and rid the body of toxins and hydration into homeostasis. The result with this cleanse to have your body run more efficiently and the weight loss is just an added benefit that most experience (you can lose anywhere from 3lbs to 10lbs in just 3 days!!).
The Benefits of the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse:
- Rid your body of fat
- Detoxify your body
- Jump start your weight-loss and fitness routine
- Body rejuvenation
How Does the Shakeology Cleanse Work?
With the Shakeology Cleanse your daily food structure remains close to the same as you’re everyday eating. You will still be eating every few hours with meals that are balanced and nutrient rich which will make up for consuming fewer calories. This means that you can still continue with your workout routine. Adding fruits, nuts, seeds, and the Shakeology fiber supplement can be done as you see fit. Your one solid meal a day, your salad, can also contain fruits, nuts, and seeds, legumes, and veggies along with four ounces or less of a white protein. The point is to keep you satiated and to avoid anything that is artificial – including your salad dressing. The Shakeology Cleanse is designed to optimize your body’s performance. You want to have enough food to fuel your day and your workout. By eating foods that are high in fiber and nutrients it is virtually impossible to overeat. With the high fiber, digestive aids, and enzymes, your body will be ridding itself of excess food and fat and flushing out waste.
With the Shakeology Cleanse your daily food structure remains close to the same as you’re everyday eating. You will still be eating every few hours with meals that are balanced and nutrient rich which will make up for consuming fewer calories. This means that you can still continue with your workout routine. Adding fruits, nuts, seeds, and the Shakeology fiber supplement can be done as you see fit. Your one solid meal a day, your salad, can also contain fruits, nuts, and seeds, legumes, and veggies along with four ounces or less of a white protein. The point is to keep you satiated and to avoid anything that is artificial – including your salad dressing. The Shakeology Cleanse is designed to optimize your body’s performance. You want to have enough food to fuel your day and your workout. By eating foods that are high in fiber and nutrients it is virtually impossible to overeat. With the high fiber, digestive aids, and enzymes, your body will be ridding itself of excess food and fat and flushing out waste.
The Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse Explained
The Shakeology 3-day cleanse is an innovative way to use Shakeology as a cleanse. It’s very simple to follow and is unlike any other cleanse out there today. One of the things that makes it so different from other “cleanses” is in fact that the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is a “performance” cleanse. This is because it is designed to be done along with a workout or fitness program. Here is how it works and how to follow:
Once again, this cleanse is meant to be done in conjunction with your regular fitness routine but best to schedule during your recovery weeks if you are doing an intense program like P90X or INSANITY. It is also a GREAT way to jump-start ANY fitness routine and weight loss by doing the cleanse the week before you begin and getting your body healthy!
Reasons why you might not lose weight
First, most people WILL lose some weight but weight loss is not the goal of the Shakeology Cleanse. People with a lot of junk in their systems tend to lose the most weight from this cleanse. If you’ve been eating clean then there are less toxins and food left in your system to be rid of. While you may not lose much weight while doing the cleanse, your body will be ready to lose once you have finished and continue your fitness program.
Second, restricting calories can be stressful. Stress in the body releases the hormone cortisol and inhibits you from losing weight. This is the reason why you don’t do the Shakeology Cleanse no longer than 3 days.
If you are interested in doing the 3-Day Shakeology Cleanse you can purchase it directly through my website. On the right hand side you will see an option to pay via Paypal. I only have Tropical Strawberry at the moment but will be getting Chocolate in soon so check back!
Second, restricting calories can be stressful. Stress in the body releases the hormone cortisol and inhibits you from losing weight. This is the reason why you don’t do the Shakeology Cleanse no longer than 3 days.
If you are interested in doing the 3-Day Shakeology Cleanse you can purchase it directly through my website. On the right hand side you will see an option to pay via Paypal. I only have Tropical Strawberry at the moment but will be getting Chocolate in soon so check back!
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