Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just a bump in the road

I've been having some pain in my right foot for several weeks that was not going away. X-ray was negative so I went for a bone scan and found out I have a stress fracture on my right fifth metatarsal. I saw the orthopedic doctor this week and found out some bad news. The fracture is in a VERY bad place, close to the metatarsal head, and if it spreads to the head my bone could die. BAD news! I've been put in a boot and told this could take anywhere from 6-12 weeks to heal. It may take longer than the typical 6 weeks due to the fact that I've been on it and working out for 5 weeks.

That being said. I am not going to let this get me down. I am just focusing even that much more on my nutrition. I'm eating clean, drinking Shakeology and doing modified workouts. I WILL SUCCEED!!!

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